工藝與文化 Culture & Crafts
楊峻丞 / 謝沛綺
指導教授 : 邱瀚生
摘要 Introduction
A LOME 讓每個人在獨處時光中,可以紓解壓力、動手創作、療癒自我。
Personal therapeutic product created with metal hand-made flowers combined with melting wax.
A LOME promotes self-care that allows individuals to alleviate stress, and enjoy hand crafting during their ME TIME.
調查研究 Background Research
Through the pandemic, we were forced to isolate and learn to be alone. If the anxiety of loneliness can be overcome, ME TIME can help people relax their mind, think about life, explore themselves, and have a healthy body and mind to face the challenges of the outside world.
產品介紹 Product Description
Inspired by faux bouquets and melting wax lamps. Utilizing the characteristics of low melting point and plasticity of wax, users can build creations after melting the wax. During the process, the wax can emit fragrance to create a relaxing atmosphere. After creating, they can choose to turn off the power to save the creation; or heat the metal bouquet at low temperature and slowly dissolve it. The wax melts to create a fragrance, waiting for the next creative time alone.
設計理念 Design Concept
When using 錵, create an atmosphere of solitude, settle your mind and relieve stress, and explore your own different possibilities through the process of hands-on creation, and finally gain a sense of happiness and a sense of accomplishment by completing your own works.
使用流程 Operation Procedure
The first step is to make metal petals.The second step is to install the metal bracket.The third step is to put the flower seat and heat the bottom to melt the wax.The fourth step is to apply wax to the petals with a paintbrush.The fifth step is to put the waxed metal flower on the flower seat.Step six, let the wax melt or place decorations.
邱瀚生 Han Sheng Chiu